Greetings! Just wanted to let everybody know that the Vanishing Sentinels- The Remaining Grain Elevators Of Alberta and British Columbia is complete and is now available to you for only $35 + shipping and handling.
This 320 page contains all of the known elevators of Alberta, including 13 sets of maps covering a one section each of Alberta and NE B.C.; when the elevators in each town of Alberta opened, closed and which companies owned them during their history; and photos of the remaining wooden, steel and concrete elevators that remain out of the greatest total in 1933 of 1,759 wooden elevators.
This book on c.d. is Apple and Windows friendly, and requires Adobe Acrobat reader to read the files.
I feel this book would be an excellent addition to a historian, elevator enthusiast, school library, or anyone who remembers the grain elevators, which were known as the Sentinels of the Prairies... which have been disappearing at an alarming rate.
You can find more information on the book on c.d. at:
http://web.mac.com/difdbs/iWeb/Vanishing%20Sentinels/Home.html and click on the link at the top of the page
"Book on CD NOW Available!!!"
Jim A Pearson
Vanishing Sentinels