Well got good news and weird news...
On January 8th, I was invited up to CTV Edmonton for an interview about the book with Daryl McIntyre. It went really well, and I had a great time talking to Daryl about the book. A friend later told me that he really looked like he was interested in the book, and was a hoot to talk to.
Other the other hand... I dropped off a copy of the book to CTV Calgary on Friday, and got an email from them today basically saying that while the effort I've gone thru to put the book together is valuable, and that it is important that the remaining elevators be preserved, the topic of the book doesn't really fit with the guests they are trying to book for the CTV News at noon.
Oh well... it's kind of a disappointment, since I was hoping to get some tv exposure in Calgary about the book. Maybe what I should do in a couple of months is send a copy to Daryl Janz... he used to be a farm kid... who knows.
I might also contact CITY TV in Calgary too... ya never know... or maybe contact some of the local radio stations too.
Gotta keep pressing on!