This National elevator annex is located about .5 miles north of Innisfree on Sec. Highway 870, on west side of road

The National elevator has been proving to be a bit of a puzzle. According to my research, it was built as a National in 1909, but if you look carefully, it has text underneath the National "N" logo.

I'm not sure... but it looks to me like it says "British America" Grain elevator. Interestingly, there was a British America elevator Built in Innisfree in 1909... so maybe the two are connected? This elevator, which is one of two National elevators left in Alberta is located on Russel Melnyk's farm, south of Twp Road. 52-0 On Rge Rd. 10-3.

This UGG annex or elevator is located about 5 miles north of Innisfree on Sec. Highway 870, or about .5 miles north of Twp Rd. 51-4.