
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pioneer Acres Log Day Two

I have met a lot of very interesting people here today, including:
- A couple from Whiskey Gap who left there in 1979, and let me know that the last elevator there closed in 1978 (I added a correction on the website)
- A gentleman who's grandfather was the first white man born in the Endiang area and is having a 100th anniversary for the founding of his family farm next year.
- A very nice man who helped me updated my information on the elevators in Manitoba and Saskatchewan... he's worked for several companies in all three prairie provinces.
- One fellow who was really interested in my presentation, and asked several questions on how an elevator operated... showing him the presentation helped explain a few things.
- Many people have come by picking up cards and asking questions, and I still have 1CD left (with 25 to pick up in Calgary on Monday)... but it has been steady... except for this break where I am doing up this addition to the blog.
- One lady bought an Alberta Wheat Pool (brown) elevator to send to her daughter in Prince Edward Island... nice reminder of home I think!
- Just got an update on the elevators at Eatonia and Glidden, Saskatchewan... Glidden was torn down ... bummer.
- Just talked to a girl from Acadia Valley... she said they'd be interested in getting a map!!
- Also talked to two women from Linden who gave me the location of the Linden elevator (A National) and knew two towns called Bouyant and Entice... which were east of Acme

All in all... a pretty good day