I was out at Rowley today... and am happy to report that the elevators roofs are being re-shingled. They are not wasting any time on getting this started!
Looking at the Alberta Wheat Pool from the North West... you can see two cranes with a couple of men working on the North roof.
Re-shingling the driveway on the Alberta Wheat Pool / UGG Twin driveway!
Looking into the AWP/UGG twin driveway. You can barely see the old original pneumatic lifting platform which used to lift trucks so they could unload grain. The Searle elevator to the north also had one of these, but it appears to be missing.
This is the lifting leg for the UGG twin elevator. (Actually, this is the first time I have ever seen a twin elevator setup... very interesting!)
These supports are underneath the Alberta Wheat Pool elevator... first time I have ever seen a system like this.
It's great to see these two (technically three) elevators being restored!