This weekend, I was up in Edmonton, and decided to come back home thru the Ryley / Tofield region, and got some new closeup shots of the Shonts and Poe elevators.

This is the Shonts "Hannan and Carver" elevator, but it also has more company names on it as well.

The closeup here shows not only the "Hannan and Carver" name, but two other names (?)... one being Northern Grain Co. and another may have "Co-operative" underneath the "Dirt Shorts"... which makes me think "Alberta Wheat Pool"?

This is one the north side of the elevator, and you can clearly see "Northern Grain Co. Ltd." besides the "Hannan and Carver" name.

This is one of the last standing National elevators in Alberta at Poe.

Once again, you can see "Northern Grain Co. Ltd." on the north side of the elevator.
I was wondering if anyone has any information on these two elevators. When I did the book, I didn't notice these extra names on the elevators, and didn't find anything in the history books... unless I overlooked something. If you can help, please send info to