The National Grain Company was the result of a merger between National Elevator Co, Grand Trunk Pacific Elevator Co, Northern Elevator Co, and British American Elevator Co. which merged in 1940.
At last count, National had 77 in operating in Alberta.

This elevator was located in Clairmont, Alberta, which is just north of Grand Prairie. The elevator was located on the Northern Alberta Railways (NAR) / Canadian National rail line. This picture was taken July 12, 2005. Sadly, this elevator was destroyed in September, 2005.

This elevator is located at Poe, Alberta, which is about 5 miles SE of Ryley. It was closed in the 1970's, and is privately owned. I am looking for info on the history of the elevator, but I do know it may have been a Security Co. elevator sometime in it's history. Poe is located on the Canadian National Line which runs from Edmonton to Butze, Alberta. (Taken November 2, 2004)

(Taken March 26, 2004)
As of today, December 31, 2005... there is only one known National elevator left in Alberta, and it is this one at Poe.